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Meet the team

Daniela Zysk

I am Daniela, born and raised in the Swabian province in Southern Germany. As a lesbian activist I have worked with various major queer organizations and projects in and around Germany for more than 20 years.

I have also been working for animal liberation for some time and have found that the oppression and exploitation of non-humans is very similar to that of human minorities and women. 

With this blog I want to give visibility to other vegan living LSBT*IQ minorities and at the same time draw attention to the problem of global animal exploitation.

I'm happy to receive your contributions and feedback.

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India Kandel
Member of the Project 2018-2021

Hi, India here. Queer vegan feminist, and animal liberation, LGBTQIA*, and environmental activist.

I took my first steps in activism when advocating for other animals. Over the years, I have become increasingly aware of how all struggles for liberation are inextricably interlinked.

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